The Nursing team at the Sussex Beacon are preparing for Coronavirus. One good idea has been the creation of a nurse-led out of hours line for people with HIV.
The new line can be reached at:
077 1998 7049
We asked the Nursing team what work was like under the new Coronavirus guidelines in our medical unit.
Clinical Team Manager, Tracey Buckingham, told us about morale on the unit and what challenges await patients and clinical staff.
"Morale is great on the unit. We have a fabulous team and we look after each other. Like everyone we're wondering how the inpatient unit will be affected. The reality is that we come into healthcare to care for people and that’s absolutely what we are here to do.
"We are providing additional telephone support for patients and service users who may have concerns or worries about how COVID -19 may affect them."
"These are uncertain times and anyone who is living with an underlying health condition might be feeling anxious and isolated. The nursing team are offering out of hours support to people living with HIV across Brighton and Hove, East and West Sussex."
"Anyone who has symptoms should use 111 online to self assess and follow the recommended course of action."
"We have made the decision to stop visitors on the unit now."
"This is in line with recommendations from the acute trust as we have to reduce footfall. The patients have been incredible as always."
"The most important thing is to be transparent and talk openly about what is happening."
"The housekeeping, catering and facilities team are a key part of the inpatient unit. Their contribution is a vital part of the care we give at the Sussex Beacon."
"Hannah, one our registered nurses, had a great idea. She suggested putting together an Coronavirus advice line for people with HIV. As we provide a 24 hour a day service, our voices on the end of the phone could be reassuring.'
We've included that number here too, for any patients or people living with HIV who may need reassurance and advice. The new out of hours line can be reached at 077 1998 7049
We also asked local clinicians who provide support around West Sussex to contribute their thoughts about the new nurse line. Some of their words and feedback are listed below:
"Brilliant idea"
"This would be lifeline to some."
"I think this is an excellent idea."
"We have had a large increase in telephone triages this week, mainly with Covid-19 queries. There is a lot of anxiety and uncertainty amongst our patients."
The need for advice, reassurance and clinical support for people living with HIV is vital during the Coronavirus outbreak. Please call our out of hours line on 077 1998 7049 if you need advice.
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