Before Oisín managed our facilities and operations teams here at The Beacon, he was a professional bathroom fitter and tiler. His first contact with The Beacon was when we was commissioned to complete a bathroom in the Brighton facility. The job went so well that he was asked about 'one more quick job' installing a new bathroom in the inpatient unit at The Beacon.
Oisín’s quick two-day job then escalated into him fitting and tiling all of the bathrooms in The Beacon!
Oisín began to work regularly with The Beacon as a contractor since 2006, before officially joining the team in 2011. He wanted a change in career so he came on board as a maintenance assistant, learning the intricacies of the building and its electronic, plumbing, heating and other key maintenance systems. After completing a wide variety of courses, Oisín proceeded from maintenance duties to facilities, until his current position - Sussex Beacon Operations Manager.
Under this title, Oisín manages a broad team including catering, housekeeping and the machinery of the building. If there was a pulse to the building, "Osh" would be the one with his finger on it.
Oisín’s day:
It is very difficult to pin point Oisín’s typical day! Reacting to the building and its needs, Oisín has a daily plan but things happen, some things need repairing and his schedule often gets turned upside down. Even during this short interview two more requests for assistance or help have arrived!
What Oisín likes most about his job:
Oisín enjoys the variety and that every day is different for him. The problem solving and ‘thinking on your feet’ means the work is never dull and he knows everyone in the organisation. Oisín also loves getting his teeth into big projects and managing them., including the recent installation of new boilers and an up to date water system in June. The facilities team are also refurbishing the inpatient unit at The Beacon to further upgrade it and provide even better patient care.
Stand out stories and moments:
After working here for 9 years, Oisín has many memories of The Beacon. Once he walked in ‘to see a full nativity scene set up in the lift - complete with an Elvis figure!’
He has had mysterious (and almost certainly mechanical or interesting) objects left upside down on his desk, presumably waiting for repair or identification. Finally, one bright early morning, his office door was blocked by a wall of boxes. He then discovered that the former Clinical Lead had been working nights and winding him up with small pranks at the end of their shift handover!
Working for The Beacon in one word:
"Impossible to say! It's too varied."
Most interesting place in the building:
‘The bat cave as I call it’ – located in the corner of a room in the basement is a ‘cave’ which runs beneath the whole of The Beacon.