Positive Living at The Sussex Beacon
We offer a weekly Positive Fitness class, for people living with HIV across Sussex.
Positive Fitness Class
Exercise and active living can improve our physical and emotional health and help build our resilience and confidence.
The Positive Fitness Class is a physiotherapy supervised group based on individualised exercises and educational support with HIV, general health and physical activity.
The classes are weekly for 1.5 hours at the Sussex Beacon, where we transform our Day Room into a fitness studio! The session includes an individualised exercise programme as well health talks and peer support.
The purpose of these classes and support sessions is to help address the physical, mental and social health related challenges associated with HIV, medication side effects, complex health needs and ageing.
Positive Fitness Referral
If not relevant to the referrer, has the service user checked with their Consultant or GP or relevant medical professional, that they are fit to take part in this programme or current referrer? If not please make the service user aware that they will need to do this before
taking part.
Upon receipt of referral you will be offered a physio assessment to help determine the
exercise you can do in the class and establish some practical goals.
To make a referral click HERE
Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your referral.
Alan Spink, Community Services Team Manager
[http://tel:01273694222/]01273 694222
Please do not hesitate to contact us to talk discuss your referral.
Please contact Hattie Yannaghas, Senior Project Coordinator, Health Management Team
Please click here to complete an online referral form for our Women and Families, Peer Mentoring, Day Service, or Mindfulness or Wellbeing courses
The online referral service is not currently available. Please contact Hattie Yannaghas by email hattie.yannaghas@sussexbeacon.org.uk * or phone 01273 694222 ext 229 to make a referral. Thank you.
*Please do not include unencrypted patient data if contacting by email.